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About the Armenian Program

Armenian Dual Language Immersion Program

Apply onlineStudents in the Armenian dual language immersion program learn to speak, read, and write in Armenian through content, not as a separate course of study. Eastern Armenian with federal orthography is the language of instruction. However, students are exposed to the Mesropian orthography and the Western dialect as encountered in literature and other supplemental materials.

  • Elementary Armenian dual immersion is offered at Jefferson and R.D. White Elementary  
  • Middle school Armenian dual immersion is offered as an elective at Toll and Wilson Middle Schools
  • High school Armenian world language is offered at Clark Magnet, Glendale, and Hoover High Schools

For more information, contact Miganoush Melkoian, Teacher Specialist.


Armenian Dual Language Immersion Pathways

Infographic of what schools offer Armenian at each level

Educational Model

Elementary Dual Language Immersion Programs 

90:10 Program Model – French, German, Italian, Spanish

Students participate in a 90:10 program model when the target language of instruction uses a Latin-based alphabet (French, German, Italian, and Spanish). Students initially receive instruction in the target language for 90% of the day and in English for 10% of the day, starting in kindergarten. The percentage of English increases annually until 50% of the day is taught in the target language and 50% in English by 5th grade.

50:50 Program Model – Armenian, Japanese, Korean

Students participate in a 50:50 program model when the target language of instruction uses an alphabet distinct from the Latin-based English alphabet (Armenian, Japanese, and Korean). Students receive instruction in the target language for 50% of the day and in English for 50% of the day throughout elementary school.

Middle School Dual Language Immersion Programs

Students wishing to continue in the dual language immersion program for middle school take a language arts class in their target language as an elective. Some middle school programs offer a second core-content subject, such as history/social studies or science, in the target language. Visit the page for each language to learn more about the specific pathways available.

High School World Language Programs 

All languages are available as world language course offerings at the high school level. Students may continue taking advanced language courses as their elective and most languages offer a capstone exam for potential college credit. Students are also eligible to earn the State Seal of Biliteracy in their target language.