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Pick-Up & Drop-Off

Pick-Up & Drop-Off Policy

Students are not allowed on campus before 7:45 AM, (8:45 on Wednesdays). Morning supervision does not begin until 7:45 AM (8:45 AM Wednesdays). Do not drop off your child on campus before 7:45 AM, 8:45 on Wednesdays. This is not safe!  

Wednesdays are banking days. On Wednesdays only, our gates open at 8:45 AM. There is no supervision before 8:45 AM on Wednesdays. 

Students must be picked up at dismissal time. If students have not been picked up by the time the office closes for the day Glendale Police Department will be contacted to pick up your child.

Call the CDCC Office at (818) 241-7562 if before/after school childcare is needed.

Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring your child's safety before and after school hours.

Pick-Up & Drop-Off Procedures: English | Armenian | Spanish

Rainy Day Dismissal

On rainy days, for the safety of all students we dismiss from different gates.

On Ruberta Avenue, the DRIVING gate, we will use the smaller gate closer to our Preschool entrance for dismissal. Please pull all the way forward IF your child is not immediately there.

On Justin Avenue, the WALKING gate, we will use the small gate further north, in the middle of the block for dismissal. Please do not block the sidewalk or the exit point. 

Plan ahead and tell your child which gate to go to. 

Kindergarten and TK dismissal WILL NOT change.

Thank you!